Luca Sartor: Traveler, nomad, sort of artist.
Years ago I’ve been fascinated by the magic of the nomadic life: traveling in the world is like traveling in myself. We learn a lot, we put ourselves to the test, we grow up.
I do not collect destinations, what I’m interested in are the experiences.
My travel style has changed over time, from frantically moving almost every day to visit all that I could to stay as much as possible in a place and try to understand the culture, learn the lifestyles, study ways of thinking, appreciate the flavors of local foods and get to know the locals with their stories.
This pushed me towards the life I’m living, to look for a new way of being in this world: free, out of the conditioning of our society, independent and far from what I did not like and did not make me feel myself. To try to make life a work of art and not just a survival. In the end we have only one life to live!
Home has become every place where I take off my backpack.
I loved Asia from the first time I set foot there: its vitality, its way of being particularly energetic, its cultures so different from ours, its perfumes, its chaos, its megalopolis, its tranquility , its contrasts, but above all its being always in constant motion.
I have visited several countries here in Asia, living in hostels or guest houses or hosted by locals, using from the horse to the airplane, from the bicycle to the hitchhiking and every other possible transportation, I ate every kind of food that I was offered, interacting with the locals as more as I could.
Finding out a little more about the good and the bad, the points in common and the differences, the limits and the potentialities of the various cultures and our human race.
Nomadic Perceptions
I started this site at a time when I need a detachment from traveling, stay a bit ‘in one place” (I’m writing in Taiwan, Malaysia and South Korea).
I can begin to share with you what I have experienced lately and my nomadic perceptions of the last years, let’s see what happens!
Take what you need and share it!
Website monetization
To support my work and my website I have introduced the donation button at the end of the articles that I write:
If you liked this story or article that you’ve just read and you find it interesting or useful, help to support my work with a donation.
Your contribution is essential to allow me to continue writing and maintaining this website!!!
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Thank you!
Grazie! 🙂
In addition, some of the articles I write have links to products that can be purchased on Amazon or other websites, I receive a small percentage as a commission for advertising, all this does not affect your final price which will remain unchanged, so you pay the same amount.