The Thai cuisine is rich in specialties that have different and lively tastes, traditional elements that are combined together to generate succulent foods such as the Khao Kha Moo, a dish made from stewed pork leg on rice.
Next to the hostel where I use to sleep in the Silom area, in the center of Bangkok, a delicious little local restaurant run by two elderly gentlemen has been cooking this delight for years. In a large saucepan, in an amber broth, the pig and the eggs are soaked, next to another pan with the pickled mustard inside, the rice container and the wooden cutting board where everything is cut and then combined into the dish.
The tender and tasty pork meat is stewed for hours in a broth made with soy sauce, palm sugar, garlic, star anise, cinnamon and a Thai sauce called Golden Mountain Sauce. Once cooked it is removed from the bone and chopped into slices and then placed on top of the rice. A half-cutted egg, the pickled mustard and coriander complete the dish with an extra layer of pork sauce. Some cooks add to the Khao Kha Moo some boiled Chinese broccoli.
On the table you will find cloves of fresh garlic, fresh chili and spicy sauce to be added as desired.
The Khao Kha Moo is a delicious specialty that is possible to find everywhere in Thailand, if you eat it in some small local restaurant or in some stall is really cheap, you will not pay more than a couple of dollars! A dish that is good for meat lovers, especially pork lovers!