I started this bizarre nomadic life, not adapting myself to the world, because I do not want to have regrets. I want to reach the last day on this strange planet, look back and say … ‘fuck it, it was worth it!

I have often taken the hardest roads, left situations that were comfortable at the time, I have never looked at the fact that I don’t have too much savings and money can finish soon… and I have always get in some new adventures, experiences and situations that I couldn’t have never knew where they would have led me exactly, to search for something that is much closer to my personal way of being in this world, without conditioning.

Thinking that I just don’t want to regret anything and I don’t want to have to say “maybe it would have been better to try”. Opportunities often occur once and then they don’t return, often they don’t give you the time to evaluate them, it’s often just a matter of to try or not try.

I remember an episode of “the Simpsons” where Homer talking to the disconsolate Bart told him: “Son, you did your best and you failed, the lesson is: never try” … sometimes I think he’s right. That maybe it would be better not to get myself in anything new, to stay in some comfortable situations, not to get into new experiences that could be good but that could also be a total disaster.

But then I remember everything that has been and what my life would be if I had not taken the first step towards new possibilities.

I think it is important to follow your passions and not stop at the pre-packaged steps that are proposed as the only solution of life by our society: go to school – get a job – buy a car – buy an house – get married and have children. Someone is fine, but I don’t think we all suit this kind of living, especially after having met so many people who are not satisfied with their existence, because they have accepted this scheme.

Fear and laziness block us, we read books or listen to speakers in various lectures, we repeat all the beautiful phrases and words we have stored in our brains without putting them into practice. Always as if we were dreaming, stuck in a future that will never come if we don’t take action immediately.

We live for a limited amount of time, even if the lifestyle that we lead seems to be of some immortal people, made to postpone everything to tomorrow, wait for things to change by themselves, to hope for a better future always without taking action. If we do not start taking decisions, even inconvenient ones, that lead us to follow what we really want and that can make us happy, what kind of life will have been at the end of our days?

Our existence on this planet is not only about trying to build security, but it is also made of changes, explorations and discoveries, like Jonathan Livingstone seagull who wanted to know what were its limits, without any fear of remaining “feathers and bones”.

The ghost called failure is always there, like a shadow, to condition our movements and our decisions. The fear of not having money to survive, the fear of being alone, of hurting ourselves and above all the fear of the judgments, an external influence that blocks us and makes us do what most people want us to do, in order not to be misjudged.

Traveling, knowing different cultures from mine, meeting many people with different ways of thinking and acting, discovering something new about myself and about what’s surroundings me is my passion. These are just my personal ways of trying to accomplish what interests me.

But all this has a price, made of scars.

Trying is not so comfortable, not all situations go as planned, not all dreams are simple to achieve, sometimes we must separate ourselves from the things for which everything is given. It takes lots of efforts, determination, steadiness and perseverance that only a really strong will can feed. But above all, there should be no fear.

Sometimes, or often, mistakes are made, but it is right there where life stands before us to remind us that we exist. Giving us a good punch it smiles and shows us that this gesture that could be interpreted as hostile was there only to shake off the apathy and make us emerge from the soporific daily daze.

The scars make us grow and make us more aware … and this is the other reason that pushed me to try my personal adventure.

Find your passion, what you love, what makes you feel alive and what you wanna live for and give all the possibilities to life to give you the scars that will allow you to grow and have no regrets without ending up one day with the painful and heavy thought: I should have tried.

Choose what in 20 or 30 years will never make you have painful and unrepeatable regrets, do not just think about making money or daily security, but consider the happiness that a gesture of today can bring you for your future.

Although sometimes costs a lot it will still worth trying.

Luca Sartor

Solo Traveller, in love with Asian countries and cultures. Traveling forever, I have lived for years in the Asian continent. Follow me on INSTAGRAM @lucadeluchis